How I Became a Dolphin Trainer

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2020

I have been asked countless of times “ How did you become a dolphin trainer?” What I have come to learn over the past 30 years with my work at Dolphin Discovery and ABC Animal Training that my story is unique.

No, I didn’t grow up loving dolphins and wanting to be a mermaid. I actually have no memory of Flipper TV series. I had three childhood “heroes”. Tarzan, Dr. Dolittle and Abraham Lincoln. I read obsessively about Honest Abe, never missed a Tarzan episode and dreamed that when I grew up I would travel to Africa so I too could swing on Jungle vines, call the elephants and lions to fight alongside me to battle and banish the horrid animal poachers.

 When I did grow up, moving and living in Africa to research wild animals was an unattainable dream. I settled on a state university earning degrees in Wildlife Management and Biology which focused primarily on white-tailed deer and ruffed grouse management--- this failed to impress me and I was...

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Exposing the TRUTH on Dolphin Training

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2020

Hello! My name is Shelley Wood and I have been training dolphins, sea lions and manatees for 30 years and I’m exposing to the world the TRUTH about how dolphins are really trained. I’ve personally trained countless Dolphin Discovery dolphins, sea lions and manatees and I have personally taught countless marine mammal specialists how to train successfully. Since Dolphin Discovery was born in 1994 I have been on the front lines teaching dolphins and their trainers. I helped developed the interactive programs you enjoy and developed and taught the ABC Animal Training system, the Dolphin Discovery animal training school to teach all marine mammal specialists.

So what is the TRUTH? The truth is probably not as controversial as you have heard, or read. It’s actually a loving and mindful approach.  The animals learn and choose to participate because they have CHOICE. They can swim away from the trainer, they can play with the other dolphins, they can refuse any and...

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Cómo Me Convertí en Entrenadora de Delfines

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2020

Me han preguntado innumerables veces “¿Cómo te convertiste en entrenadora de delfines?” A través de 30 años de trabajo con Dolphin Discovery y ABC Animal Training, me he dado cuenta de que mi historia es única.

No, no crecí amando a los delfines y soñando con ser una sirena. En realidad no tengo memoria de la serie de televisión Flipper, tenía a 3 “héroes” de la infancia: Tarzán, Dr. Dolittle y Abraham Lincoln. Leía obsesivamente Honest Abe, nunca me perdía un episodio de Tarzan y fantaseaba que, cuando creciera, viajaría a África para columpiarme en lianas y llamar a los elefantes y leones a luchar a mi lado para desterrar a los horribles cazadores furtivos.

Cuando crecí, mudarme a África para investigar acerca de animales salvajes no fue un sueño factible. Me quedé en una universidad estudiando Manejo de la Vida Salvaje y...

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Exponiendo la VERDAD Acerca del Entrenamiento de Delfines

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2020

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Shelley Wood, he entrenado delfines, lobos marinos y manatíes por 30 años y expondré al mundo la verdad acerca de cómo los delfines son entrenados.  Personalmente he entrenado a innumerables delfines, lobos marinos y manatíes de Dolphin Discovery y personalmente he enseñado a un sinnúmero de especialistas en mamíferos marinos a entrenar exitosamente. Desde que Dolphin Discovery nació en 1994, he estado al frente de la enseñanza de delfines y entrenadores. Ayudé a crear los programas interactivos que la gente disfruta y también desarrollé y enseñé el sistema ABC Animal Training, que es la escuela en la que Dolphin Discovery enseña a sus especialistas en mamíferos marinos.

Así que, ¿cuál es la VERDAD? La verdad es probablemente no tan controversial como has escuchado o leído. Es en realidad un acercamiento...

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